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2024 Games of the Year
These are my personal favorite games this year. Some of them are on my list every year, I haven't actually played some myself, and some of them haven't all come out this year. They're ranked kind of highest to lowest but lowest doesn't mean bad, it just means I like it but I like the other ones better.
- 1 - Until Dawn Remake (duh obv)
- 2 - Silent Hill 2 Remake
- 3 - We Harvest Shadows [Demo]
- 4 - The Casting of Frank Stone (dbd lore basically)
- 5 - Captured (that in-house anomaly game with a camera)
- 6 - Sims 4 (I figured out how to mod and my real world life was over)
- 7 - Dead by Daylight
- 8 - Finding Frankie
- 9 - Massacre at the Mirage (I wish you could get different endings)
- 10 - Dollmare
- 11 - Bad Parenting
- 12 - Reindeer Games (the one where the elves are trying to kill you + multiple endings with cool poems for each one)
- 13 - Red Dead Redemption 2
- 14 - Zoochosis
- 15 - Ratshaker
- 16 - Crowded. Followed. (the anxiety game)
- 17 - Bad Ice Cream games
- 18 - Cake Off (Roblox game 1)
- 19 - Pass the Bomb (Roblox game 3)
- 20 - Doors (Roblox game 3)
I'd like to thank these games for carrying me through boredom, sadness, and even anger and therefore making my year wether I was a viewer or watcher.

Random Gaming Chat - Dec 19, 2024
I've mainly been watching gameplays and living my best sims 4 life, I'm up about 200 more mods since last time because, damn it I NEED TO CUSTOMIZE. My sim likes to watch black ink crew and sit on the floor clapping at the fights and pulling he phone out to tell her friends about the gnarly slaps and punches that go flying around.
Current Gaming Crusades - Nov 18, 2024
I've mainly just been playing Sims 4, Roblox, and coninuing The Last of Us (which is so popular and has been out for so long that there's not too much to yap about at this very moment, it's just a good game and I like it). I've modded the absolute hell out of my sim, last I checked I had nearly 400 mods downloaded (rookie numbers) and I still plan on getting more teeheehee. My sim is just me but it's a sim so I can truly do whatever I want. She's a streamer + ballerina and I based her off of me and my interests so I want everything to be perfect before I share too much so that I actually have more to talk about. I don't know how the sims stopped being fun to me it's such a fun game to chill with.
Until Dawn (Remake) - Oct 14, 2024
The Until Dawn remake came out recently and I was obsessed with the original so naturally I'm obsessed with the remake as well. If you've never seen or played the game, it's a butterfly effect style horror game where every choice you make in the game can effect the scenarios you end up in and the outcome of the game. Throughout the game you play as different characters in a movie like sequence with the chapters seperated by these therapy sessions with a mysterious and errie man whose office only looks creepier and creepier with each visit. the premise is basically this girl hannah (along with her twin sister Beth and older brother Josh) invites her friends to her parents ski lodge and gets pranked by 5 of them (there were 2 other friends, Chris and Sam, Chris was knocked out drunk with Josh and Sam knew and felt bad/disagreed with their actions but ultimately did nothing to stop them, until it was too late at least). They set her up to make her think her crush Mike is interested in her (even though his current girlfriend is Emily, who is their friend and also in on the prank), they all hide in the room (and MATT with a whole selfie stick omg he needed to be dealt with) and they all come out and surprise her. Hannah, who is obviously feeling humiliated and incredibly betrayed, runs out of the cabin and into the snow when it's late and dark out and her sister Beth goes out to look for her. Beth finds her and feels releived for a solid 5 seconds before they realize there's something nearby and it starts to chase them. They run until they hit the edge of a cliff and both fall, beth notably smacking a rock which...ow. The prologue ends with a zoom into Hannah's eye and the opening credits start. NOWWW, I am one of many people who are disappointed by the change in songs for the introduction of the game. The credits for the previous game was "O' Death" and the new one is "Out of Shadows" (also good, I just prefer the old one).
A year later Josh invites everyone back to the lodge on the anniversary of Hannah and Beth's disappearance (as their bodies were never found). Immediately when everyone gets there an argument between Emily and Jessica breaks out because up until this point no one really knows they're dating yet and Emily walks in and sees her "friend" making out with the ex boyfriend who dumped her so like.. I get why she's upset (she didn't have to start that though). So Josh at some point shuts them up and kicks Mike and Jessica out to a guest lodge before everyone kind of splits up. Matt and Emily go the panty quest, Chris and Ashley go looking for a ouija board, and Sam and Josh go to turn on the boiler so they can have hot water. Mike and Jessica are the first to encounter the creature (a wendigo, because they're up in the indigineous woods) and then that's when the true horror part of game really starts and it kicks off.
I really appreciated that (even though it was stil short) we got to see slightly more of Hannah and Beth before the prank took place, especially when they both set Josh on the couch and a little later when Josh opens his eyes a tiny bit and sees Beth at the fireplace before falling back asleep (which was also the last time he saw her). It's also made signifigantly more obvious in this version that Jessica (the girl who planned the prank) only planned it for her own gain, I mean come on at some point in the prologue Emily literally had to shoo her away from Mike. SIDE NOTE (not super important to the story but good to know just to better understand this part along with their conflicts throughout the game): Mike and Emily were dating in the prologue, both Hannah and Jessica also had crushes on mike, everyone knew about Hannah's and Jess was literally just a pest like it was obvious but for some reason they only made a big deal about Hannah's crush I'm assuming the reason is because according to jessica, Hannah had been "making moves on him." However later we learn that Mike broke up with Emily after Jessica won Homecoming queen (or prom idk my memory is blanking) and that's when they got together even though earlier she literally planned a prank to humiliate someone in the name of "looking out for her girl Em" but yk it's obvious at this point that is cast of characters is extrememly messy. On a funnier note, Matt and Emily (ESPECIALLY Matt) were so freaky in this game lol. there's like a solid 5 minutes of Matt trying to get Emily to enagage in adult activities out in the snow WHICH they were only walking in because Emily left her lace panties in the car and wanted to model them for him. A lot of the new dialogue was pretty funny or just entertaining in general too so that's always fun.
The game has a feature where you find totems along the way that guide you and help you make decisions. The totems each are painted with different colored butterflies. The lodge was built on indigineous land and indigineous tribes believed that butterflies carried prophecies of possible futures which are meant to guide you throughout your gameplay. Upon Sam walking to the lodge you'll see a sign giving you this information, the colors you will find are black, red, brow, yellow, white, and green however you'll notice that the green is kind of scratched out. When you find a green totem (which are a new edition) you'll see that it is a hunger totem, these totems are through Hannah's pov of her transformation. Woah !! Plot twist Hannah survived the fall and had to resort to eating Beth's corpse to survive which is how people are tranformed into wendigos (which are actually a real piece of indigenous folklore they're really interesting you should read more about them if you like creatures and stuff).
The ending (specifically the last bit with Sam) is so interesting because I'm no expert but it looks like another game... or at the very least more Until Dawn content because I don't know how they would manage to make another game out of this. I've heard some theories about some characters, specifically Sam since she's the one in the scene, being brought to Dead By Daylight because the red light looks similar to the one you see in The Casting of Frank Stone (another game that branches off of/adds to DBD lore but you don't need to play it to understand or enjoy the game. I'm telling you to play the game if you couldn't tell by this point. Play the game. You wanna play the game so bad.) Obviously that's just a theory though (haha...) and obviously I would love it but I don't wanna get my hopes up so moving on. You can actually keep Josh alive this time around which I think is interesting for the same reason as I was just talking about, I feel like it hints at more content. We have the PS3 beta which is awesome and the movie coming out (it finished filming and is apparently meant to be released around April 2025).
Ranking characters based on how much I dislike them aka I'm not mad when I accidentally kill them
Distractions bc this always happens - Sep 8, 2024
I AM still playing red dead redemption but way less because I got distracted by the unpacking game and luigi's mansion but even then I'm not playing those too much either bc my main distraction is video essays. I can usually play games with music playing (but on low) but I really wanna take in everything from both the game and the video which isn't possible without 10,000 mistakes in the game which I'm not typically in the mood for especially if I'm already struggling. Honestly gaming is probably the one time I can be mostly still and quiet because I'm focusing so hard, like if I was a youtube gamer I would suck so bad because the videos would be mostly silence and then random sounds or short comments. I'm trying to go back in luigi's mansion to catch all the boos and do pretty much every mission I can, for red dead redemption I'm doing the serial killer quest (the "look upon my works" dude), and then you can guess what I've been doing in the unpacking game.
Starting Red Dead Redemption 2 - Aug 31, 2024
Yeah so I'm a loser and I've never actually been able to play it until now but I can still have fun with it. However like I said, dbd is the main game I play so I'm gonna actually try to finish a new game for once bc I'm okay watching them but actually finishing them is another story. (I'm calling it right now, I'm not finishing it but I still enjoy playing)
My sister started playing it too and she keeps falling off her horse lol.
DBD/Castlevania Collab - Aug 30, 2024
The Castlevania collab in dead by daylight officially left me broke I really needed that Alucard skin. It was worth it though I'm glad I paid for it he looks so cool I love the fact that his eyes glow. I've only won like 3 matches with him so far though like that's actually embarassing.
I keep seeing people complaing about how his cape is like massive and how there's kind of a gap between it and his back but to be honest I didn't actually notice bc if I'm not running then I'm crouched lmao. Not even gonna lie, dbd is the main game I actually play + keep up with so if you don't like or care about it then um... suck it up idk.
Game List
AC Tune Maker
What I Play On