Welcome to my Website!!
Hello :D

First of all, if you're on a computer ignore the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen. It's only there so the header image doesn't look screwed up on a phone. I got bored and decided to make a whole website for myself because I've always wanted to have some kind of digital diary and youtube is significantly more work than just writing sometimes, I still mightt do it but for now this is fine. I have made videos before but I privated them because they were just practice runs and just me goofing around with editing software. A fun thing about this site is that since this is blog is mainly for me then that means whatever I say goes. I also don't have to worry about content filters, stupid takes, ads, etc. it's also 100% customizable so I love it I love it I love it.
Blog :D
February 4, 2025 - Shopping Habits
I was told I didn't have to pay rent this month and naturally the first thing in my mind was "shopping" so I did exactly that. I still mainly bought things that could pass off as "needs" anyway so who's gonna complain??? Pretty soon the answer might be me because the past few weeks the main question in mind has been "food or shopping?" and shopping has been winning which wasn't a promblem before but it's becoming one now, skinny queen I guess let's go??? Kate Moss would be proud. I just need like a few things because the things I usually buy last a good amount of time.
I bought a shelf for my DVDs, more rhinestones, fun looking tape, more makeup, and a bikini top for when it finally warms up. The past few days I've been bedazzling and decorating stuff from that shelf I bought to my TV remote (which if you care, has been playing early seasons of Keeping Up With the Kardashians). I decorated my makeup case too she is adorbs.

It took like 10 years to just tape around it (the tape was super hard to work with btw) and it took around 3 hours to do my little name piece, I wish I could decorate the inside more but there's not much to do. One day maybe I'll let the internet be nosy and show what's inside but for now it'll just stay a mystery box.
I'm super upset actually. Victoria's Secret actually had a good drop (especially in leggings) and I MISSED it because I was so preoccupied buying literally everything else, this can't happen again I need to keep my peepers peeping. Luckily I can still order them online but yk... I looove shopping at the mall.
December 30-31 (it's the middle of the night), 2024 - Poor Decisions
I bought a hoodie, leggings, and a short version of the leggings (it's all like a matching set) and it was $135 buckeroonies... which is fine because I was already planning on buying them and it's not like it left me broke or anything buttt I'm not used to spending over $100 on 3 clothing items unless it's like a big brand. I think it'll be worth it though bc the shop looks promising PLUS I have a washer/dryer in another section of the apartment so I can live in them for as long as I want :)
I originally didn't even wanna shop today, I initially said no to thrifting because I JUST got the money I was supposed to get like 2 weeks ago and wanted to at least let it marinate in my wallet for 24 hours but noooooo, I just had to open safari and see that my last opened tab was my cart with these 3 lovely items in it. The funny part is that I was gonna try to just leave it alone for a while but then I realized the shipping was free and was like... what's the harm?? (answer: none)
In other news, my boyfriend came over on sunday at midnight, ALMOST on the dot but he was a little tardy so tsk tsk tsk. We (we = me) sat around yapping for a while and thennnnn went to sleep. In the morning we went to taco bell bc we're soooo healthy, looked around the horror house, got roach earrings from there, and then came back home to hang out for a while before he had to leave. Then I pretty much just slept on and off for the rest of the day.
December 23, 2024 - lalalalala
I just downloaded a bunch of new songs into my B-Bop (it's like an old mp3 player meant for kids by "girl tech") because I stole a AAA battery from our TV remote to see what songs were on it and it was like soooooo outdated so I added my new fav songs. I only added about 7 and it holds like 8-10 depending on how long they are.
I went to the mall again last friday and got matching pajamas with my friends and spent most of our time at the arcade. I hardly even played any ACTUAL games I was hooked on the mini claw machines I felt like a gambler. I won like 6 mini plushes and one bigger shark. I got the shark in the machine that spins and you like have to land the light on one tiny spot and I GOT IT, first try might I add, yes I'm bragging. Our other friend was supposed to come because he's back from the military for some kind of break and HE wanted to hang but he slept through the entire day because.. of course he did. We left without him anyway and had a blast, you snooze you lose... Literally in his case.
November 18, 2024 - Life Updates !!!
Okay so first of all, I got a cappuccino machine and it's fine and dandy but I don't drink them that much so I usually just use the milk steamer.
I heard the commerical!!! The Hershey kisses commercial with the bells, tis the season my friends. I love christmas so much it's so nostalgic and fun. I've been living on hot chocolate and oatmeal porridge for these past few days, along with sitting in my room drawing, playing games, and watching videos.
I got 2 vaccines and I've been dying the past 3-4 days (flu + covid), I also got my blood taken and this woman had to have had the absolute worst day ever because why is there a visible needle hole and bruise that's never happened before TT.
October 28, 2024 - Blogging n' Rotting
Last Friday I went to my friend's house and the 3 of us hung out, made silly pancakes, and watched Dandadan (a new anime I'm gonna be extremely annoying about). I also got access to her Shonen Jump account to keep up with the manga because I'm impatient and don't wanna wait for a new episode every week, which I'm gonna have to do at some point once I catch up but ummmm whateverr :P I'm on chapter 70 right now which I'm pretty sure is around a little less than halfway through. Chapter 172 just came out today (monday) and the anime gets new episodes on thuuursayyys??? I don't remember but I think it's Thursdays. The only other manga I've been invested in was Tokyo Revengers, which I dropped because they were nearing 300 chapters and I was seeing stars at that point so I just relied on the spoiler account in twitter. It was my sophomore year, I'd hold my phone under my desk, in books, I'd read during lunch, in the bathroom, in the hallways, I seriously had a problem. I wouldn't say I'm AS obsessed with Dandadan but it's definitely up there.
OMG fun news!! I got invited to a costume party. Theme: Roger Smith's Alter Egos. Possibly one of the best themes I ever heard. There's also literally no men invited so girl time :D!!! Girl time is so fun and therapeutic, every girl needs at least one girlfriend to keep each other sane. MORE FUN NEWS (because I'm just having a blast today) I discovered a new band called "Necronomicon Ex Mortis" on Insta today, the main thing that drew me in is the fact that they kind of remind me of the band "Dethklok" from the show metalocalypse (which is both one of my favorite shows and bands). So I became a fan almost instantly and took my happy little self over to spotify to listen to the song "Trick Or Treat" since that was the song that appeared while scrolling my explore page. Instagram is probably one of the only sites whose ads don't annoy me because they show me things I ACTUALLY like and don't see anywhere else, and as you can see, this applies to music as well as products which I will always be grateful for.
It also FINALLY got cold enough for me to bust out my tiger blanket. It's so comfortable and tbh the whole reason I decided to just chill in bed today, also massive to the point where I have to lay it sideways across my bed (which bothers me to no end bc the picture isn't straight but blahhh). I was supposed to do laundry but the machines are busted again. Which is crazy because they're out of order every few weeks, I might have to ask my aunt or someone else if I can use their machines.
October 22, 2024 - Random yapping
I haven't left the house since Sunday and even then I only went around the corner, before that I couldn't even tell you how long it had been. I wanted to go hang out at the mall or something but I didn't even have money for the bus, I've applied to practically every job in the city at this point surely someone wants me. It's not even a problem of getting ignored anymore but a lot of places I've tried (the mall included sadly) won't actually be hiring again until December. Which is fine, I guess, but who wants to work during the holidays? or like... at all but especially during the holidays T.T I'm very much guilty of using daddy's money but I do want a job again, the only things I've done is bake + send out orders and participate in a paid program that was more school than work (it still paid well for what it was though I didn't expect jaws to drop when I told some of my family members I was getting $20/hr just to play some pretty simple songs on guitar and learn piano, poorly. I'm not even used to it, I can play fur elise very slowly which is embarassing because once you actually get to learning it, it's not hard like at all esp if you're doing beginner mode and only using one hand).
I've been hanging out alone mostly because my friends have barely spoken a full conversation to each other for a good minute and TO BE HONEST I don't think we're gonna be as close as we were in school and when we first graduated, which is fine I know that's normal but hanging out alone can only be entertaining for so long at some point I'd like to turn and crack a joke in an environment where I'm not gonna be the only person laughing, and I only ever really hang out with those two but oh well, plus it's not like I don't have any other friends they're just signifigantly harder to plan hangouts with (mind you, it's hard enough with these two but it's not always their fault so I don't usually get too upset about it). I still have my group from middle school (and one way back from elementary). I haven't seen them since like my 17th birthday because two of us had birthdays close together so they threw us a surprise party under the guise of a hangout it was nice (and the first surprise party I've ever had even though it was technically spoiled lol). I also have this one friend I met when I went to military school (ikr shocker, HOORAH!! or whatever moving on) and she still checks up on me sometimes even when I think she forgot about me, she's one of the friends I could talk to once a year and still feel like our friendship isn't fading (same with the middle/elementary school group I didn't expect us to survive nearly all going to different schools). I also have a relatively new friend I met her my junior year but we didn't actually start talking that much outside of school until AFTER we graduated, up until that point I only saw her in like 2 classes, talked to her in one.
In other news, I deep cleaned my room and threw a bunch of stuff away (mostly old clothes that don't fit and were just taking up space, they'd started piling up on my floor they had to go). And with that, I bought new clothes hehehehehehe. They're cute for fall, or at least they would be if the temperature would just drop... I understand global warming or whatever but like, I need to look cute please. Just one full week of cold and crunchy leaves I beg. I bought a new skirt I NEED THIS.
October 16, 2024 - New Music !!! Ice Nine Kills + Set it Off
Ice Nine Kills is one of my favorite bands and they're one of the first bands I saw in concert (I'll talk about that some other time because it was awesome) I'm really annoying about them. If anyone asks me what music I like or ask me to recommend them something, I'll always drop an INK song at some point. Well they just recently released a new song based on the movie Terrifier called "A Work of Art" (click to watch + gore warning but you saw the song was based on Terrifier so you should've expected that, I also recommend watching before you read) for the new movie that's out already I think??? (Terrifier 3) and it's the official soundtrack song for the movie omg I love when horror + this general side of music combine horror is so back !!! I haven't felt this happy about a horror movie soundtrack since Freddy vs Jason. Some cool features are: the actual actor who plays Art in the movie (David Howard Thornton) and Dawn aka the chick who got sawed in half by her vag in the first movie (ouch) which fun fact: was an actual form of torture/excecution for a long time in many different cultures because the people were just going through some insane bloodlust back then. Her name is Catherine Corcoran btw. AAAAAND Shavo Odadjian (System of a Down) is there (there's alot more people you can find in the description but these were just people where I immediately went "oh hello"). This isn't the first time they've managed to get an actor from the movie they sing about to be in their music video but I still love it every single time.
I like Terrifier because I love the concept of a silent and unserious/comical killer, which the mime get up Art is in fits really well but I wish the movies (especially everything past the first) would focus less on the shock/gore, not that I'm hating on it I understand Art is evil but it's exactly that. I get it like I wanna know about him and what he is because even by the time I finished the second movie (which I didn't even like it was really overhyped) I was actually even MORE confused about him and that universe in general like I thought we were dealing with a demonic clown of some sorts, WHY do they have superpowers??? ["who gaf this post is about the song/video"]
FIRST OF ALL, the video is 15 minutes so I wasn't epecting that but it was worth it lol. I love the video actually the song and the video fit so well together that I actually think that's the best way to enjoy them. Funny scenes I enjoyed were Art having his own little bass + mini piano + trumpet (multi talented king) parts and him murdering the band and then being upset that the music stopped playing. It also ended with "to be continued" so that's really exciting.
Set It Off is releasing a remastered version of "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" on November 1st and the kicker that has everyone laughing is that this one starts off as "this is still about you" like honestly what do you have to do to have this man holding a grudge for this long omg. There's not much I can say about it yet because it's not out but I was really excited about it so I just thought I'd talk to the void.
Oct 14, 2024
I update my gaming section more often than my regular one and even then I don't think I update it that much lol. I added some new stuff here like my playlist playing on the site and some rearranging. I still plan on adding more but I don't actually wanna say what it is until I'm certain I'm gonna get it done. I haven't done anything super exciting but I finally deep cleaned my closet and got rid of a bunch of clothes and old shoes.
Aug 29, 2024
I remember being obsessed with those dark angel edits and blingees and stuff, and I always forget that nothing's stopping me from just making my own.

Omg, I remembered something while I was making this pic and editing my @ into it. One day my friend told me that a girl in her English class was claiming my art as her own. I was shocked because I didn't think my art was good enough to be theft-worthy. I found it a little silly and amusing because I kind of hide my name a little bit in my real art too, just in case someone tried to steal it. I didn't think the day would come so soon.
DVD Collection
I love DVDs, I love pretty much all forms of physical media but I LOVEEE DVDs because they're the most nostalgic for me and are actually really convenient to have so I started collecting them a few years ago because I lost nearly all of the ones I had as a kid. In case you're confused, the (numbers) next to the titles are the number of discs so I don't have to put "Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2 disc 3" or something.
- 1) Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
- 2) The Lost Boys
- 3) The Breakfast Club
- 4) Back to the Future (3)
- 5) Beetlejuice
- 6) Heavy Metal
- 7) Jurassic Park
- 8) The Nightmare Before Christmas
- 9) Blade (2)
- 10) The Addams Family + Addams Family Values
- 11) South Park (Volume 6)
- 12) The Crow
- 13) 10 Things I Hate About You
- 14) Dazed and Confused
- 15) Buffy the Vampire Slayer S1 (3)
- 16) Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2 (6)
- 17) Little Nicky
- 18) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
- 19) Captain America: The First Avenger
- 20) The Amazing Spider-Man
- 21) Coraline
- 22) Korn Live 2002
- 23) Haggard
- 24) Superbad
- 25) Kill Bill (2)
- 26) Space Chimps (2) (#peak) (#mustwatch)
- 27) Twilight
- 28) The Simpsons Movie
- 29) Monster High: Ghouls Rule
- 30) Monster High: Frights, Camera, Action!
- 31) The Walking Dead S1 (2)
- 32) The Walking Dead S2 (4)
- 33) The Walking Dead S3 (5)
- 34) The Walking Dead S4 (5)
- 35) The Walking Dead S5 (5)
- 36) The Walking Dead S6 (5)
- 37) Underworld (5)
- 38) Resident Evil
- 39) Lord of the Rings (3)
- 40) Scooby-Doo + Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
- 41) Mean Girls
- 42) Freaky Friday
- 43) Freddy vs Jason
- 44) Thirteen
- 45) Metalocalypse S1
- 46) Alvn and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein + Alvn and the Chipmunks Meet the Wolfman
- 47) Jackass (5, technically 3.5 but it's 5 movies)
- 48) Bad Grandpa + Bad Grandpa 2.5
- 49) Shrek (4)
- 50) Cell
- 51) Lords of Chaos
- 52) Bad Moms
- 53) The Black Phone
- 54) Final Destination Zombieland
- 55) Spree
- 56) Scooby-Doo and the Legend of the Vampire
- 57) What's New Scooby-Doo? S1 (2)
- 58) School of Rock
- 59) Corpse Bride
- 60) Bratz: Rock Angelz
- 61) Pitch Perfect + Pitch Perfect 2
- 62) Alvn and the Chipmunks
- 63) Alvn and the Chipmunks: The Squeakuel
- 64) Alvn and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
- 65) Uptown Girls
- 66) Flushed Away
- 67) The Princess and the Frog
- 68) The Simple Life
- 69) Jurassic World
- 70) Saw 5
- 71) The Vampire Diaries S1 (5)
- 72) The Vampire Diaries S2 (5)
- 73) Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
- 74) Barbie as the Island Princess
- 75) Barbie in the Nutcracker
- 76) Barbie: The Princess and the Popstar
- 77) The Sandlot
- 78) Grown Ups
boring bottom of page...